Sunday, March 6, 2011

On Being a Preschool Teacher Part II

I love my job and absolutely love sharing my experiences at work with others.  Teaching makes me happy. How could you not love working when you are greeted by these little faces each day who walk in the door with big smiles on their faces so happy to be at school.  It makes you think back to those days when you didn't have a care in the world.  I wish we could all be like children.  Do you remember when the only reason you got upset on any given day was because someone was playing with the toy you wanted to play with or because the teacher made you make a project, sing songs, or dance?  If that was all you had to deal with today would your day really be that bad?  It's funny to work with children because they have such joy with everything they do.  My desire in life is to feel that way now.  To have that completeness in myself that I could just wake up with a smile on my face everyday and never worry about the silly things we all so often worry about.  Can we really make a situation better by thinking about it obsessively.  Are we making a difference in our lives by holding on to things and not letting go?  Why can't we be like children, who when they get upset about something one minute, the next minute they are over it and back smiling, laughing and playing. Why can't we be like children who get excited because they just realized they have something called a shadow that looks just like them.  Why can't we just accept everyone regardless of the color of their skin, where they come from, or their socioeconomic background.  Children don't look at life the way we do.  They see life in it's purest form.  Maybe it is because they have the time to just sit and see the world.  Maybe it is because every experience is so new to them.  One day, we were learning about the five senses and I brought in little plastic eggs.  Inside each egg, was something different, either bells, pasta, coins, sand, etc.  I shook each egg and asked the kids what they thought was inside.  They had so many answers, but more than wanting to answer, they wanted to see what was inside.  They were so excited and they all gathered so close to me as I went to open each egg.  Then when they saw what was inside, their excitement wasn't over. Now they wanted to touch it and to hold it and to really experience it all.  Why can't we be like that and see what is inside of others or inside of ourselves and just experience it, because that is when we will really learn to be like children and have the greatest joy in life.

1. sharing: to tell someone else
2. experiences: what you do ;what you go through
3. greeting: to say hello
4. remember: to think back to the past
5. to deal with: go through
6. joy: to have happiness
7. desire: wish for
8. completeness: to be totally sure of yourself; fullness
9. situation: an experience you are in
10. obsessively:  to do a lot; to do too much
11. difference: a change
12. realized: came to know
13. regardless: without caring about
14. purest: simplest; inexperienced
15. excited: very happy
16. gathered: came together

Fill in the blanks using the above vocabulary words.
1. It was Friday and I was very ___________________ to go to my best friend's birthday party.
2. To pass the test I had to ______________________ all the definitions that I studied.
3. She knew, in order to make a __________________________ in the world, she needed to be the best that she could be.
4.  The children ____________________ around to hear the story.
5. She enjoyed ______________________ her travel experiences with her friends.
6. She was full of ____________________ when she found out she was pregnant.
7. She was going to go on the trip ____________________ of the cost of the ticket.
8. She had many good _______________________ from her first year in school.
9.When she saw her teacher in the morning she gave her a nice _________________.
10. Her mother was concerned for her because she was worrying ____________________ about the final exam.
11.  When she was with her friends she didn't want _________________________ her little brother bothering her.
12.When she got to school the bell had already rang.  She _________________________ she was late for class.
13. Her greatest ____________________________ in life was to go to a good college.
14. Little children are very inexperienced in life.  They have the ______________ thoughts.
15. When she graduated from college she felt like she had finally found ____________________ in her life.
16. She didn't know the_____________________________ her friend was in, but after talking to her she knew it was bad.

Grammar Point
In my paragraph, I wrote several statements that ended in a question mark.  These statements are questions. In English, we use grammar to make the distinction between a statement and a question. When we use am,  is, are, or were  we reverse the normal order of subject and verb. When we use can or have, we reverse the order of the subject and the first auxiliary word.  With  single word verb phrases we add do , does, or did  to make the question. Can you find all the questions in the above paragraph and then form three of your own questions for your classmates to answer.

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